Best Microphones to Buy 2024

Whether you’re seeking crystal-clear voiceovers, seamless communication for virtual meetings, enhance your streaming setup, or simply just want to upgrade your setup to talk to friends, the microphone market offers a plethora of options that can meet all of your needs. In this guide, we’ll talk about some of the best microphones available, each with its own purpose, as well as some of the additional things you might need to take it to the next level. Before we dive into our recommendations though, we want to make sure you know that microphones often come in different styles for different use cases such as Condenser, Dynamic, Shotgun, Ribbon, etc. but for the case of simplicity this guide will mostly be focusing on Condenser and Dynamic Microphones.

Condenser VS Dynamic Microphones

Condenser and Dynamic Microphones are two distinct categories of microphone that each excel in different scenarios. Technically, both categories of microphone perform the same purpose, turning sound waves into electrical signals, but they both have separate advantages and disadvantages from one another. For condenser microphones, the benefit is that its design allows for a more nuanced and high-quality sound that makes it perfect for vocals, podcasts, and basic talking. As for the downside, condenser microphones are sensitive to sound near the diaphragm so they work best in studio environments. That’s not that bad of a downside, but it does mean they will be less versatile in different scenarios. Condenser microphones also require a power source to operate. In contrast, dynamic microphones have no need for external power, are easier to set up, and are normally more affordable than condenser microphones. They are also more versatile than condenser microphones so they work well in a variety of cases. The downside though is that they don’t perform as great as condenser microphones for high frequency sounds and are less sensitive so you might lose some sound quality/accuracy in the process. That should give you a basic understanding of the difference between these two styles of microphone, but we highly recommend doing your own research on the topic for your use case to determine which of these two might be right for you.

Accessories You’ll Need

The accessories you’ll need for your microphone setup will depend on what style of microphone you decide to go with. For instance, some microphones can simply be connected to a computer through a USB connection. The advantage for these USB microphones is that they don’t require an audio interface to interface with a computer. In contrast, XLR microphones utilize an analog XLR cable and must be hooked up to an appropriate audio interface to work. As this is the case, an XLR microphone setup will generally cost you more than the USB microphone setup since you’ll have to purchase an audio interface in addition to the microphone, but XLR microphones tend to offer higher quality sound and are the standard type of connector for professional audio equipment.

If you decide to go with an XLR microphone the audio interface we recommend you go with is the Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen USB Audio Interface. With this device you’ll easily be able to interface an XLR microphone with your computer through this audio interface that then hooks up to your computer through a USB connection. Normally you can get this audio interface for around $100 USD off of Amazon but sometimes you can find it on sale for $89.99 USD throughout the year. If you need an audio interface for more than one microphone at a time though and you’re willing to spend a little bit more money we recommend getting a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen USB Audio Interface for $119.99 USD off of Amazon instead.

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen USB Audio Interface

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen USB Audio Interface

One other thing you’ll also need for an XLR setup is of course an XLR cable. You can get an Amazon Basics XLR Cable that’s 10 feet in length for $11 USD, but they also come in longer and shorter versions for your needs.

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): Amazon Basics XLR Microphone Cable 10 feet

Regardless of if you go with an XLR or USB microphone though, you’re most likely gonna need a microphone arm to mount it on. For that we recommend getting the RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Microphone Boom Arm which will cost you around $99 USD on Amazon. The reason we recommend this one is because of its great build quality as it will support even the heaviest of microphones you attach to it without sagging or breaking.

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Microphone Boom Arm

Our Entry Level XLR Microphone Choice

For readers that are looking for a high quality entry level XLR Microphone, we recommend the Rode PodMic Cardioid Dynamic Broadcast Microphone. Tailored for broadcast applications, this dynamic microphone delivers a rich sound with plenty of balance, making it a great option for users looking to podcast, stream, or chat over virtual comms. The microphone comes equipped with a built in internal pop filter to help mitigate plosive sounds as well as an internal shock mount to help reduce vibration disturbances. Besides delivering quality sounding audio the Rode Podmic also has a very stylish look to it that makes it look really great on camera when it ends up being in the shot. Other things of note about this microphone is that, for a microphone, it actually weighs a lot at 2.07 pounds. As this is the case, make sure you get a sturdy boom arm that can support it. Right now you can get this microphone off of Amazon for $99 USD.

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): Rode PodMic Cardioid Dynamic Broadcast Microphone

Our Mid Tier XLR Microphone Choice

If you’re seeking a mid-tier option that serves as the perfect bridge between high quality professional options and more affordable choices, the Shure MV7X XLR Podcast Microphone is a fantastic choice. Traditionally used for podcasters and vocalists, the MV7X provides fantastic quality in a XLR format that features a dynamic cartridge, cardioid style pick-up pattern, and a slick shock mount meant to minimize unwanted noise from movement. As for looks, the Shure MV7X has a very similar design to the legendary microphone it was modeled after, the professional Shure SM7B, meaning it looks incredible and will give you that professional look sought after by content creators that plan to have this microphone in front of the camera. Now, some users have noticed that the windscreen pop filter that comes with this microphone sometimes fails to prevent plosive sounds from getting through, but there is an easy solution for this. Thanks to the fact this microphone shares so many similarities to the Shure SM7B, the higher quality SM7B pop filter just so happens to fit perfectly on the MV7X. You can buy the SM7B pop filter off of Amazon for around $9 USD, which will help remove those unwanted plosive sounds while also making your MV7X microphone look even closer to the SM7B. Normally the MV7X costs around $224 USD on Amazon, but can commonly be found on sale throughout the year for around $179 USD. Additionally, if you’re willing to spend slightly more, Shure also provides another version of this microphone, the Shure MV7, that in addition to the XLR connection also comes equipped with a USB connection. This could be useful for consumers that are looking for a high quality XLR microphone, but don’t want to buy an audio interface immediately or just simply want a high quality microphone that is plug-and-play for on the go. If that’s what you’re looking for, the Shure MV7 will cost you around $250 USD off of Amazon. Regardless of if you go with the XLR only variant or the XLR+USB variant, both microphones will easily provide you with high quality professional sound for your use case.

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): Shure MV7X XLR Podcast Microphone

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): YOUSHARES SM7B Pop Filter for Shure SM7B Mic

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): Shure MV7 USB/XLR Microphone for Podcasting

Our High Tier XLR Microphone Choice

For those with any knowledge of XLR Microphones, it comes as no surprise that our choice for a high tier XLR Microphone has to be the industry icon, the Shure SM7B. If you’ve consumed any media content over the years, you’ve most likely seen this microphone utilized by podcasters, streamers, and vocalists alike for good reason. Equipped with a dynamic cartridge and classic cardioid pattern that provides a smooth sound under a wide-range of frequencies, this microphone can easily capture a clean sound for your voice and music based applications while minimizing unwanted background noise. The build quality of the microphone is superb, giving you a high quality look while also being a durable product that you’ll most likely get many years of use out of without needing to constantly replace. Of course, being our high tier option means that the Shure SM7B will cost you around $400 USD on Amazon for just the microphone but if you’re looking for a professional grade microphone this is it.

Amazon Affiliate Link (US): Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic Microphone